
Entertainment at Brewing Diversity n Inclusion Festival (BDIF)

Welcome to the Entertainment page of the nonprofit Brewing Diversity n Inclusion Fest! We are excited to bring together a diverse array of talented performers who share our values and vision. Our festival is dedicated to celebrating diversity, inclusivity, and the vibrant culture of craft brewing of ALL KINDS! Whether you are a musician, comedian, dancer, or any other type of performer, we invite you to be a part of our unique and inspiring event.

About Us

At Bitches n Brews, we provide festivals and educational experiences both digital and in-person, catering to diversity and inclusion groups, individuals, entrepreneurs and brands in the community. Our mission is to create engaging and enriching experiences that celebrate the diverse backgrounds and talents of our community.

Why Perform at Our Festival?

  • Celebrate Diversity: Join us in celebrating a wide range of cultures, backgrounds, and talents. We believe in the power of diversity to create a richer, more vibrant community at our events and beyond!

  • Inclusive Environment: Our festival is a safe and welcoming space for everyone. We prioritize inclusivity and respect for all performers and attendees.

  • Engage with the Community: Connect with individuals and brands in who are passionate about their craft as well as welcoming diversity and inclusion.

  • Showcase Your Talent: Share your unique skills and artistry with an enthusiastic audience. Our festival is a platform for performers to shine and gain exposure.

How to Apply

If you are interested in performing at Brewing Diversity n Inclusion Festival (BDIF), please fill out the form below. We are looking for performers who align with our values and are excited to contribute to our diverse and inclusive festival atmosphere.

Brewing Diversity n Inclusion Fest

Entertainer Application Form


  • BDIF is a festival that celebrates diversity and inclusion through beer, food, arts, music, education, games, and more!

  • We highly welcome individuals linked to diversity and inclusion and/or female leadership, minority leadership, or empowerment.

  • All talents and performers preferred are those that emanate positive vibes, with a focus on happy words or feelings.

  • The aim is to create a sense of ease for attendees, allowing them to feel comfortable around new people and experiences.

  • Political content is not permitted.

Contact Information

Performance Information

Technical Requirements

By submitting this application, you agree to comply with all guidelines and requirements set forth by BDIF organizers. You also consent to the use of any provided information and media for promotional purposes related to the festival.

Contact Us

For any questions or further information, please contact us at [email protected] or 385-33BITCH (385-332-4824). We look forward to hearing from you and potentially having you as part of our festival!

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All Rights Reserved

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Website designed and managed by
Danke Software

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Copyright © 2022 - 2024 Bitches 'n Brews LLC

All Rights Reserved

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Website designed and managed by
Danke Software